Diving with sea lions in La Jolla Cove

Have you heard about diving with sea lions in La Jolla Cove? La Jolla Cove of San Diego has its own microclimate that maintains temperatures between 50 and 90 degrees nearly 365 days a year, which is one of the reasons that sea lions have decided to call this particular cove. 

Few marine creatures seem to delight so much in the joy of life as a sea lion. It is an amazing experience to watch them play with each other, socialize with divers and interact with other marine creatures. A close encounter with sea lions in the water is one of the greatest wildlife experiences one can ever hope to have. “Wow! That is awesome!”, is the response we get from our clients when we offer them the opportunity to swim or dive with sea lions. San Diego’s kelp forest is a thriving underwater ecosystem, supporting hundreds of species, and providing a unique undersea experience for divers. Kelp forest grows at depths of 30 to 80 feet, with narrow stalks rising vertically toward the surface by means of air filled bulbs at the base of their leaves. A wide range of marine mammals inhabit kelp forests for protection and food. Sea lions and other creatures feed on the fish that live in kelp forests. Indeed, jumping in the water with sea lions may seem at first glance a scary and potentially risky thing to do. When diving in La Jolla Cove you will see sea lions, curiously looking at you with their incredibly beautiful big black eyes. But in fact, it is the biggest fun imaginable.

And that’s what it is all about, having a good time – for both, humans and sea lions. As curiously as we are look at them they look at us too. The only thing you have to do is enjoy observing them swimming around you in the water, jumping and hurling around or looking at you from below and rocketing past you. The sea lions will approach you, maintain their distance and leave, once they are done checking you out.

Swimming with sea lions is great fun for everybody.

You will get that and much more with Trident Divers San Diego.